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Clay Oven by grade 3


Our children of grade 3, built an oven out of bricks, stones, a few cement bricks and clay as mortar, during 2nd week of November '22.

It is a practical experience of building something useful for everyone as part of their building block.

It was a beautiful experience and the children thoroughly enjoyed it.

This oven has been put to good use by other children as well.

Our high schoolers (grade 9 & 10) have baked pizzas in it successfully.

Most recently, (on 31st March) our grade 5 children had a potluck to celebrate completion of the academic year and the highlight of the party was making 'baked potatoes' using the same oven and enjoying it (it was yummy too)

Some snaps of grade 3 building it & grade 5 putting it to good use later...

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