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About Us

Welcome to Bangalore Steiner School for our thirteenth academic year.
A Steiner school differs from other schools in a multitude of ways, and parental involvement is fundamental to achieving the school’s vision of holistic education for the child.

Journey until here

This much-awaited school came to be with the collective efforts of an enthusiastic and committed school community and blessings of the spiritual world in Term 3 in January 2011 to start Class 1 and 3 at Sristi farm. We completed our first full academic year from June 2011 to March 2012 with 25 students in Classes 1 to 5.

We have now moved to a lovely 5 acre campus on Kanakapura road. We began the current academic year of 2023-2024 with 200+ children. A colleagueship of 30+ adults, full-time and part-time, serves this group of children. Our school is recognized by the Government of Karnataka for the Pre-Primary and Primary level. We are also recognized by Cambridge International Education.

Our Mission

Our curriculum, adapted for the Indian context, emphasizes the place of Nature in educating the Hands, the Heart and the Head. Our teachers and parents work in partnership to realize our objective of a sustainable community.

Our Vision

To revitalize the purpose of education by inspiring every individual to seek truth, think consciously, feel compassionately and engage actively in the world.


Active spiritual life

We will provide an education that nurtures the spirit of our students so they may truly discover their life's mission, purpose & destiny.


We will be ethical, sincere and open in all our financial and operational dealings within our community

Indian Context

We will localize and adapt the curriculum to our surroundings in the Indian as well as Bangalore context.

Inclusive education

We will be proactive in our attempt to integrate students who are differently abled and students from disadvantaged back grounds.


Education that ensures a deep reverence and connection with nature in turn help in building a community that is sustainable at its very foundation.


We will not discriminate based on caste, creed, religion, nationality or gender.

Set Standards

We will strive relentlessly to be an example for the Steiner community worldwide and to our vision, mission and values.

Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy

in delivery of education in the classroom and in the building of a community.

Board of trustees

Bangalore Steiner School is an independent, co-educational school. It is a not-for-profit organization, recognized by the Government of Karnataka.The school's financial and legal matters are guided by the Board of Trustees in consultation with a distributed leadership group of teachers, many of whom are also parents at the school.

Sreekanth Keshava

Sreekanth Keshava

Kumar Ramachandra

Kumar Ramachandra

Gopa Bose

Gopa Bose


Teaching in a Steiner-Waldorf school is a calling and not just a job. Our teachers come from all walks of life, age groups and backgrounds and may or may not have prior teaching experience, but surely have some important traits – a love for children, a passion for teaching as a calling and a very creative and enthusiastic bent of mind in addition to a deep, spiritual quest. Training in Waldorf methodology is provided through in-house mentorship and also through external mentors, training sessions & workshops.

Teachers at Bangalore Steiner School have shared values of aspiring towards building an equitable and non-hierarchical manner of working, emphasis on professional development, being nurtured by nature in their everyday life and growing a community with a common objective.


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